
Showing posts from March, 2022

Welcome to the blog!

Hey guys! This is David Ricks! And in case you havent heard, I like the backyardigans. so to celebrate my Backyardigans series 5th anniversery, this is what this blog is all about. I will be giving you posts about The Backyardiagns (and it's spin-off The Mighty Knights Mighty Adventures) on a regular basis. This blog won't have a particular schedule or anything, but i will try to keep it consistant for you all. I will have a few posts as part of a series related to The Backyardigans as well. Pablo's Panics- a series of posts posting about the MANY times Pablo has had a panic attack. Episode Spotlitght- this type of post will be highlighting a certian episode that I enjoy. (or one i think you should check out) Updates From the Backyard- this will document any kind of update relating to The Backyardigans Well that's all for now, the first official episode spotlight will come out April 5, 2022 see you then!