
Showing posts from April, 2022

Updates From the Backyard #1 DVDs

 hello welcome to  Updates From the Backyard! today, i have only 1 topic to cover  first the third backyardigans season 5 DVD is called "Soccer Shocker" and it will release on May 13, 2022. this DVD will include 4 more episodes like: put your foot in it rodger that rock on! the magic brush check out the promo here: to get the DVD, comment on this blog post well, that's all for this post, see you next time!

The Backyardigans Episode Spotlight: Robin hood the clean

okay welcome to the first episode spotlight! today's episode is robin hood the clean  before i get into the episode proper, i want to tell you how these spotlights are gonna work. this will not be a review series, this will just be giving light to episodes i think you should check out. General format of an episode spotlight: episode title (season and episode number) a breif description of the episode the characters present the song list did the episode feature a pablo panic attack? the end quote fun facts and trivia (if i can think of any) where you can watch the episode and without further ado our first episode spotlight is season 3 episode 16: Robin hood the clean Plot: Pablo is robin hood and he is tasked with cleaning the town of filthingham and stop mayor stinkypants (Austin) from making the town too filthy. Chataters present: Pablo Tyrone Uniqua Tasha Austin Song list: Everything is filthy in filthingham We wish we could wash Robin hood the clean The festival of soap Did this