
Showing posts from May, 2022

My backyardigans series is 5 years old!

  on this day 5 years ago, i rebooted the backyardigans

Pablo's panics #1- pirate treasure panic

Welcome to the first edition of Pablo's panics! a series of posts posting about the MANY times Pablo has had a panic attack. Today we begin by taling about how these posts will work It's pretty simple i'll describe the panic attack in a given episode (yes thats it) What better way to start off then with Pirate Treasure AKA the first episode There are 2 scenes in this episode that would count as a panic attack The first one is right before the song "falling off a log" Pablo panics about how hard it will be to cross the log with his peg-leg. before Uniqua ensures him that he can do it. The second scene that i would count as a panic attack is right after they bury the treasure Pablo worries that he can no longer find the treasure they buried until Tyrone tells him that it's still just below them What do you think of these panic attacks? let me know in the comments! And thanks for reading. See you next time!

Updates From the Backyard #3 MIghty Movie release date

welcome to another update from the Backyard! today, i have some epic news! in which i will just copy and paste my tweet on the subject: Today i have some excellent news about the Mighty knights mighty movie! Mark your calenders because the movie is releasing on April 23, 2023! Yup, The Mighty Movie now has an official release date! that's all i wanted to say for this update my next post here will be pablo's panics see you then!

Updates From the Backyard #2 Mighty knights season 3

Hey guys! Welcome to another update from the backyard I only have one thing to talk about and that is season 3 of the mighty knights mighty adventures is now out! here's the link: The episode is titled: Three Little Knights and it features a new character: Knight Penny. I hope you all enjoy it! Well, that's all for this update, see you next time!